It’s Time to Rethink Homelessness



Your assistance is needed to end homelessness. It really does take a village.



Learn about our work to end homelessness.

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Homelessness has many different faces and can touch the lives of anyone: families, mothers & children, and individuals, who, through no fault of their own, have fallen on hard times.
COMING HOME has a plan to end homelessness in Middlesex County.

Coming Home has formed vital partnerships with the County criminal justice system and area acute-care hospitals to address the needs of the most vulnerable.

In 2022, Coming Home case managers successfully helped 61% of the 74 clients they served move into housing.

From 2018-2020, Coming Home formally partnered in, or consulted on, the creation of 25 new housing units for persons without a home. In 2024, it is in various stages of development of 24 more units for persons without homes.